Acupuncture is an important component of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) , has thousands of years history and still protect people's health today.

Ancient acupuncture bronze model---- Song Dynasty (1027AD.)
Here is a brief introduce about the Extra Meridians. Running along the midline of the back and ascending to the head and face, the Governor Vessel meets all the Yang meridians(陽脈). It's therefore described as "the sea of the Yang Meridians."
Running along the midline of the abdomen and the chest, going upward to the chin, the Conception Vessel meets all the Yin Meridians(陰脈). Thus it is calls "the sea of Yin Meridians."
The Belt Vessel goes around the waist as a girdle, perform a function of binding up all the meridians.
It is interesting that both Governor Vessel and Conception Vessel arises from the lower abdomen and emerges from the perineum, one goes frontward, another goes backward, and finally meet on the face.
So that, Extra Meridians gives us an opportunity to heal the chronic inflammation in pelvis and relief pain.
Acupuncturist may put needles in the particular points located at the upper and lower limbs, even at the head, not only at the lower abdomen to make the Qi (is considered Yang) and Blood ( is considered Yin ) keeping in good relationship and running smoothly.
For example, acupuncture point SP10(Sea of Blood ) and SP6(Sanyinjiao) used to treat dysmenorrhea. These two points are located at legs.
Everyone has their own health condition, including age, causes of onset and the previous treatment process. We customize treatments based on the overall condition of the patient. In some cases, it may be necessary to take Chinese Herbs as well.